Seeking Answers
In my quest to find my inner peace and trying to eliminate negative sentence
It becomes clear to me that most of my fellow beings live within repugnance
I ask what is important as we strive within out earthly vessels towards termination
Power, wealth or self glory, is that the resolve of our journey on this collection
Tender love, peaceful coexistence our time is but ephemeral to the ubiquitous
How can I end the negativity and find peace bounded by the populace
I feel chained by the forces that surround me and my desires are to be free
As Marley I know that the chains I wear are those I forged within my reality
Why do we make our fellow man invisible while in their absence we arbitrate
Is one soul better is another slighter, I seek answers that are certainly on debate
I’m disgusted by my own selfishness and my condemnation of the masses
My life has been no different from others; I too chased the golden bypasses
The sun will come up tomorrow Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow come what may
Will the sum come up tomorrow What assurances have we that the sun will bring another day
We take for granted the one thing that gives us life and sustains our existence
How much more will we take for granted as we continue with our confidence
I thought find someone to love would be the answer to find that love is conditional
Before the sun tires of giving us life and comfort I will find my principle